Friday, November 29, 2019

ACT Tutoring Right For You

Is Online SAT/ACT Tutoring Right For You SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You know you want tutoring, but do you go with in-person tutoring or online tutoring? Right now, I can practically hear the face some of you just made at the idea of online tutoring (yes, the face was so awful it actually made a noise). The world is full of dire warnings about the issues with online learning. â€Å"How can you possibly learn if you’re not in there in person with your teacher? Won’t you just slack off?† On the other side of the issue are people like me, whose reactions to hearing about online tutoring are more along the lines of "Woo! No travel time means I get to spend more time doing non-SAT/ACT-related things!" To help you get a better sense of whether or not online tutoring is right for you, I’ve blocked out the three areas in which there are significant differences between online and in-person tutoring. For each of these areas, I’ll explain when online tutoring is the right choice†¦and when it is not. feature image credit: Thought plus action by Ben Tesch, used under CC BY 2.0. Quality The first dimension to consider when choosing a method of tutoring is that of quality: what level of tutor do you want? This may seem to be a facetious question, since no matter the tutoring method you go with, you obviously you don't want a BAD tutor. It's important, however, when you choose a tutoring method to consider exactly what you want to get out of tutoring. We'll have an article up soon on how to find the best tutor for you. Do you want tutors to help you with new insights into test content, strategies, and more? If so, online tutoring is probably the best option for you. Why? Near, far, wherever you are in the world, online tutoring allows you to access high quality tutors. I'm going to be brutually honest: if you aren’t in a top city for education like New York or Boston, you don’t have access to the nation’s top tutors. This is even more true if you don't live near a top 5 city at all. Don't go with online tutoring if†¦ All you want is someone to monitor your test prep, making sure you're on schedule and accountable for doing your prep. In this case, you don't even really need a tutor - you need something more like a study buddy or babysitter. Or some sort of electronic surveillance. All you need is someone to explain answers to you better than answer keys can. If this is true for you, then it makes more sense for you to go with a high school student who's taken the test or understands the material. Time and Travel For online tutoring, the road not taken†¦is every road. Consider the time wasted in travel for the average tutoring session, for both parent and child: a 30 minute drive to and from tutoring for student and parent plus either an additional trip from and to the tutor and/or 1 hour of waiting for the parent. At the end of the day: 1 hour wasted for student, 2 hours wasted for parent Online tutoring also means your tutor doesn’t have to travel, which will save money for you. How? Let's say I'm a tutor, and I have to drive half an hour to and from your 2 hour tutoring session. Even if I would normally charge $40/hr to tutor students online or at my house, I'm going to have to charge you $60/hr because I'm losing an hour of potential tutoring time to travel; rather than paying me $80 for a 2 hour tutoring session, you end up paying 50% more ($120/2 hours). If I tutor online, I can charge solely for tutoring time (without having to fold in the money I'd lose from time spent traveling). With online tutoring, you only pay for the tutoring you receive. Another perk is that no need to travel means that all your study materials at your fingertips – no more forgetting things at home (not that I have extensive experience in this subject area. Nope). Finally, online tutoring lets you have more flexibility when scheduling your tutoring - you don't have to worry about when you can get a ride, or when you can fit the travel time into your busy high school schedule. Don’t go with online tutoring if†¦ You have to travel to get high-speed internet access, and a tutor will come to you/is closer by. Both parent and student have time to spare – in that case, time spent traveling may not be an issue Suburban commute by pedrik, used under CC BY 2.0. One if by land, two if by sea, three if we’re just calling to let you know we’re running late ‘cause of the after-school traffic on the highway. Technology Online video chat software and hardware have advanced substantially from just 5 years ago. Videos look sharp and are live, making online sessions equal in quality to in-person tutoring. Some presentational software even lets tutors show equations and diagrams, which in turn can make SkypeTM tutoring even more effective than in-person tutoring. Case in point: it’s way easier to draw perfect circles and diagrams and manipulate equations on a computer than on paper with a pencil and compass. Don’t go with online tutoring if†¦ You have ZERO access to high speed internet. If you live in a rural area or some area where the only internet you have is dial-up (cabin in the woods in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas, for example), online tutoring will probably not work for you. You don’t have a computer and/or have never before used a webcam. Even you have the technology, but are not comfortable with it, you may want to hold off on online tutoring. Not sure if the technology is going to be a barrier? Go with online tutoring that offers a full money-back guarantee for the first session and make sure there are no hiccups. The Bottom Line There are certainly legitimate reasons to dislike online tutoring. If you... Don’t care about quality Don’t have easy access to high speed internet Aren’t comfortable with the technology used ...then it makes sense not to get online tutoring. Barring these exceptions, however, online tutoring is equally as effective as, if not more effective than, traditional in-person tutoring. We’re particularly confident of this at PrepScholar because of the quality of our tutors. What’s Next? How much should you pay for an SAT/ACT Tutor? Use our guidelines to help you form a reasonable budget. Not sure if you should go with a tutor or just do online prep? We have the article for you. For more on how to choose the best online prep, read our concise guide. Want to get serious about improving your SAT/ACT score? Our tutoring service is designed to be the most effective in the nation. We hire the best tutors from across the country. This is then paired with our exclusiveonline drillingprogramthat gives your tutor complete insight into your progress to design the most effective sessions. Think about what improving 160 points on your SAT, or 4 points on your ACT, can do for you. Learn more about tutoring now:

Monday, November 25, 2019

Friday, November 22, 2019

Violence and Teachers Perception of the Zero Tolerance Policy Essay

Violence and Teachers Perception of the Zero Tolerance Policy - Essay Example Further, the high profile incidents of school violence that culminate in death instigate fear and undermine various stakeholders’ belief in safety of schools and the children they accommodate. The worrying trend of heightened school violence, coupled with the acute need for students to learn in a secure environment, necessitates further analysis into the extant "get tough" disciplinary measures, their efficacy or lack thereof, teachers’ perception of the same and potential improvement strategies. Following the occurrence of serious cases of violence in schools over the past ten years, dealing with and preventing violence and consequent disruption of learning is a crucial and urgent concern for all parties involved. While these efforts are directed towards preventing deadly violence, they also aim at restoring security within learning environments. It is common knowledge that instructors cannot convey crucial lessons to learners and neither can the latter get adequately educated in a setting characterized by disruptive violence and insecurity. With the increase in fears of violence, children’s safety as well as education is put at risk and a chance for success in academia and later in professional fields is significantly jeopardized (Smith, 2000). This is because both students and teachers fear going to school. Further, the sole perception of violence is capable of causing physical and psychological harm to individuals, impeding them from reaching their optimal level o f social and academic potential. Currently, "Zero Tolerance" is the official disciplinary policy used in schools to counter cases of violence. At the policy’s inception, it constituted actions like expulsion and enforced suspension, as a response to possession or use of weapons, violent acts and drug possession or usage within school environs. The policy has progressively come

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Benefits and Risks of Food Steroids, Antibiotics, and Sprays in Research Paper

The Benefits and Risks of Food Steroids, Antibiotics, and Sprays in the Eye of the Food Manufacturers and the Consumers - Research Paper Example Diseases that can be acquired from eating processed foods with food steroids, antibiotics, and sprays. 1. Cancer 2. Diabetes 3. Heart Diseases B. The routine use of antibiotics was a contributing factor in the surge of drug-resistant bacteria. C. Research of different scientists showing the risks of using food steroids, antibiotics, and sprays to humans. IV. The role of the government in the use of food steroids, antibiotics, and food sprays by food manufacturers. A. The research done by the National Research Council as commissioned by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) under the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). B. The regulations and guidelines issued by the government 1. The Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act 2. The Animal Drug Availability Act C. The recommendations of the government for the food manufacturing industry for the safety and health of consumers. I. Introduction Additives such as antibiotics, steroids and other s prays were created for food for a reason. Providing food quickly and cheaply to a rapidly expanding population was not an easy task for the food industry over the past century. The short shelf life of most products made storage costly, and adverse weather conditions, animal sickness, and other environmental challenges maintained a high risk of losses to the industry. A way out for combating these challenges was offered by scientific developments: the use of pesticides to kill pests that destroy farms, antibiotics to ensure the health of livestock, and steroids to make the livestock reproduce fast enough to meet the growing demand for meat. These interventions made food more affordable, accessible, and helped reduce losses (National Research Council). However, they also brought a new series of challenges to the table. As scientific knowledge grew, so did the concern about possible ways that additives in food could harm the people consuming them. In particular, were concerns of how th e chemical effects on food may promote obesity and lead to heart disease. Agricultural chemicals, pesticides, and veterinary drugs are now included among the most significant chemical hazards in food (Lawley, Curtis and Davis, 4). This paper will discuss the benefits, potential harmful effects, and governmental policies regarding the use of food steroids, antibiotics, and sprays in food manufacturing. It shall also discuss how the government can help resolve the conflict between health advocates and the food industry. The thesis for this paper is as follows. The government should implement strict guidelines on the use of food steroids, antibiotics, and sprays in the production process instead of banning their use in order to balance the claims of the food manufacturers as well as the advocates of public health of the benefits and risks of these food enhancers. II. The benefits derived by food manufactured in using food steroids, antibiotics, and sprays. D. Production cost is low. Ma thhew Perrone has reported that early studies on antibiotics in the 1940’s and 1950’s showed that adding antibiotics to animals’ diet reduced their feeding costs, and made them ready for consumption faster. Feeding takes up about 70 percent of the cost of raising animals, and the use of antibiotics was thus a windfall for farmers. This led the FDA to approve the use of antibiotics for farm animals in the 1950’s. No harmful effects of this policy were known until then. Since the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Assignment three Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Three - Assignment Example at all the land transactions that were to be made in the west area of the Appalachian crest would be handled by the British government and not the American colonists as it was the case. This brought about an infuriation from the colonists as well as the entrepreneurs and they started opposing the British policy makers whom they had embraced once and it also contributed to the revolution (McConville 116). In addition, the British policy makers increased the payment of import taxes through an increase in the Townshed duties. Many Americans complained of the unfairness of this and criticized the move. They made their complaints openly in published letters and even open articles which angered the British and made them send troops to America to control the situation and try to calm people down. This led to an increase in political fervor, massacres in Boston as well as caused the beginning of the American Revolution through the violent actions as they revenged the attack by the British troops (Nash

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Temper Tantrums Children And Young People Essay

The Temper Tantrums Children And Young People Essay Mothering is the interaction style of mother with her children. A mother should be patient and good listener. She should keep herself cool in negative circumstances. She should her child at every step. She should be responsible for needs and belongings of her child. She should take interest in the activities of her child. It will bring positive changes in her child (Freud, 1946). Fathering is a big responsibility. Father is a role model for his child. Child observes the behavior of his father and imitates it. He has to take the responsibility of his childs every need like food, shelter, clothing and education. He should affection and love towards his child. Little words of appreciation and encouragement can develop the confidence of child (Runkel, 2008). 1. Temper tantrums Temper tantrums are very challenging. If a toddler is becoming tantrum then try to divert his attention. Try to engage him in another activity and give him choices. A daily routine schedule can be established with regular eating, sleeping and play times. It will result a happy and developed behavior. 2. Potty training Children might oppose potty training. But mother should not enforce him potty sitting but she should keep herself calm. Sleep affects potty training session. Mother should take care about his sleep. She should set their timing by limit food and drink 2 hours before bed .She should encourage for a potty trip before sleep. Bullying is violent behavior that can be verbal or physical. Boys show bullying behavior mostly by physical actions like pushing, kicking or hitting. While girls engage in verbal bullying. Parents can help their adolescents deal with the common issue of bullying by following these guidelines: Parent should understand the situation and seriousness of bullying. Parents must recognize initial behavior that led to bullying. Parents should use suitable strategies according to the nature of child. Parent should educate their child about bullying that is not accepted behavior and they must avoid it. Parent should teach their children to cope stress. Physical exercise, spending time in playing or spending time in the company of nature can cope stress (Campbell, 2005). In limited caretaking parents are primary caretaker and grand parents have limited connection with their grand children. Grandparents can not involve in the education of their grandchildren. They can not check their school records. But in involuntary caretaking grand parenting, grand parents are primary care taker. They have full-time custody over them and responsible for their every matter. Grandparents have positive impacts on the life of grandparents. They change their life style and built up positive character of their grandchildren. Grandchildren become aware of dealing with different circumstances of life without parents. They behave as responsible person and become more disciplined. They did not feel alone but being loved and feel satisfied. Grandparents told them past stories and about their traditions and cultural values and they become aware of cultural values. Due to positive attitude towards life, they take interest in studies and show good performance in studies. Due to these positive impacts of grandparents on the life of grandchildren, parent should include them to influence their childs life. National Extension Parent Education Model provides research based information about parenting. It improves parenting skills. It assists parents to care themselves first. By caring themselves, their stress level will decrease which will decrease gap between parent. And close relationship brings confidence in child. It enables the parents to understand the behavior of their children by observation. Parents understand the needs of their children by their behavioral cues. It enables the parents to guide and discipline their children effectively. Consistency in guidance play significant role in the development of child. It makes the parents to nurture their child which brings positive outcomes and increase their level of competence. It practices the parents to motivate their children which provides opportunities to students to learn more and more. And they develop intellectually and become responsive. Poverty refers to economic hardships and meeting the basic needs of life. It impacts both parents and children. It resists parents to become good parents. It increases the stress level of parents which result into bad attitude towards children. It may led to child abuse. It effects physical health of children due to insufficient money. When they do not meet their basic needs, they effects psychologically and show mental and behavioral problems. It lowers down the educational outcomes of children. Education of child is combined responsibility of parents and children. Parents can support their children in the classroom in many ways. They meet the teachers face-to-face on regular basis to about the progress of their child. They should try their level best to attend schools field trips and concerts. It send a message that they take care about the education of their child. There are following two outside resources to support your family: Parents should act as teacher. They should guide their family members. It is their responsibility to provide medical services to their family. Divorce is a somber decision. It breaks down a family bond and effects the children both psychologically and emotionally. Parental loss is major effect. Child feels alienated and become victim of anxiety and depression. He has to face many problems in school. He is teased by his peer group. Moreover, he has to face financial problems sometimes. Parents can encounter act the negativity and support their children in following way: social support by parents can help them to adopt positive attitude towards life. Parents have to make their children to face multiple situations in school and how to cope with them. Take a calendar and set your time schedule for whole day morning to night. Avoid wastage of time from morning to evening. Then follow your time table. It will enhance the lives of their children. Parents should themselves in childs school functions like field trips and concert. As, it send a message that they take care about their children. Overweight consider body weight with respect to body composition or height. Overweight children have chances of sever obesity in adulthood. Overweight leads to serious physiological health problems. It affects mental development of children and cause psychological problems like anxiety. It involves high risk of asthma, cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It leads to musculoskeletal and fatty liver disorder. It causes orthopedic problems and agitation during sleep. Fat accumulation resists insulin production and cause diabetes. Parents can help their children in following ways: They should make their children to adopt healthy life style by changing their eating habits. They should develop their routine with maximum physical activities to burn their calories. It may include sports or just playing. They should let them avoid carbohydrates and junk food. They should let them eat fresh fruits and vegetable instead of packed juices. Physical disable children are very sensitive. It is great task for parent to handle them positively. Parents can help their child in different fields of life in many ways. Parents should adopt positive attitude towards their children. They should take them as burden. It will increase their pain and sufferings. They should try to understand their problems and help them in finding solution of these problems. Like other children, choice making is a great and difficult task for them. Parents should guide and help them in this concern. They should grant them emotional support in classroom activities. They should encourage them. It will bring confidence and positive learning outcomes. They should teach the peer group their disable child to offer their help their help respectfully and may not damage their self-respect socially. They should assess their children to search creative ways to involve physical disable child to different play activities. For example, it is easy for disable child t o play with blocks on a table with his peer group, sitting on his wheel chair. Adopted parents may face many fears and natural insecurities after adopting a child. Adopted child also feels alienation and anxiety due to loss of their biological parents. Some children feel curiosity about their genetic history, which will create confusion and mistrust towards their parents. It will lower their level of self-esteem. Adopted parents can help them in their grievances for their separation from their biological parents. They should tell him about his genetic history and help him to find their identity. It will develop trust on adoptive parents and establish good relationship and raise their level of self-esteem. Some of this information has been taken from Caught in the middle: Protecting the children of high-conflict divorce. Because it manages the custody case of contested child and evaluate parent child relationship and parenting skills effectively. There is variety of child care program due to different school of thought. There are many positive effects of s quality childcare program. High quality childcare programs in childhood lead to academic success in next life. While poor parents child can not compete them in academic performance. By effective strategies, children show positive behavioral change. It also leads to intellectual development a child. You can convince parents that your program is ideal childcare program by informing them about your high objective for intellectual and behavioral development of a child, effective plans to achieve your objectives, and its positive effects. Parents often wish that a parenting manual came with their children. A it suggests that they are member of their childs classroom. An appropriate parenting model which is suitable for every social class, race and ethnic group convey to parents that your classroom is tolerant, supportive and encouraging to all families.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Comparative Economics: U.K. vs. Japan :: Economics Essays

The economy of a nation is a major indication of its success. One aspect of a nation's economic success or failure is the system of government. Whether a nation is socialistic, communistic, ruled by absolute sovereignty, or based on capitalistic principles can be a key factor in a country's economic success or failure. Government is the foundation of an economy but it is not what determines its success. Issues that determine a nation’s economic success include growth strategies, improved or increased resources, investment and savings, government policies, trade, foreign direct investment, income distribution, labor allocation, innovations in technology, and several other economic issues. I feel that economic growth is the main indicator of economic success. Additionally, innovations in technology, improving human capital, and improving foreign direct investment (FDI) are three issues that can lead to economic growth. In the following essay I will try to compare two highly developed economies, Japan and The United Kingdom. I will emphasize the success of their economies and how human capital, advancing technology (innovation), and FDI have contributed to their current success or failure. I will briefly discuss the contemporary history of each country, thoroughly cover their current conditions, and end with expectations for their future. Introduction: Comparison of Japan and the United Kingdom The U.K. and Japan seem natural subjects for comparison. British and Japanese observers alike have long been fascinated by the many parallels (and the even more numerous divergences) in the histories of these two island nations. Particularly interesting about these two was the "economic role reversal† which occurred between Japan and Britain over the course of the twentieth century. In 1900, the United Kingdom was the world's dominant colonial, financial and naval power, as well as a center of industrial production and technological innovation. Japan was a mere up-start, a precocious and aspiring, but still unthreatening, economic competitor in East Asia. The beginning of the twentieth century, and more accurately the 1950s, saw Japan and Great Britain’s economic â€Å"role† reverse. Although Britain has enjoyed healthy growth rates and rising standards of living over the past 100 years, it has been progressively eclipsed by Japan as an economic superpower an d an international model. Indeed, Britain's accomplishments have paled in comparison to Japan's meteoric rise: while Japan has emerged as the outstanding economic "success story" of the twentieth century, Great Britain's relatively modest performance has been both discouraging and confounding. Brief Contemporary History:

Monday, November 11, 2019

Counter Terrorism Policies and Organizations in Iran

On the bright sunny morning of September 11, Al Qaeda terrorists organized one of the most destructive attacks the world has ever seen. They hijacked four commercial planes using them as weapons for annihilation. Two planes full of passengers were flown directly into the twin towers of the World Trade Center immediately killing thousands of people. The third plane targeted the Pentagon and the hijackers of the fourth plane aimed to hit Washington DC but the passengers fought back crashing the plane in Pennsylvania.The terrorists carefully and patiently devised this plan of attack which was never foreseen by the American government. Instantly, then President George Bush vowed that fighting terrorism would be his administration’s top priority. This 9/11incident is one of the many attacks that molded the image of terrorism all over the world. This fateful incident led the leaders of the world to make a commitment to fight terrorism (Gjelten). The war on terrorism is a seemingly e ndless fight.Some people say that this is a political war; others say that this is merely a clash of ideologies most specifically Islamic ideologies against the world but the raison d'etre behind every act of terror does not matter because the very act itself produces the same result- terrorism continues to steal thousands of innocent lives and strike terror in the hearts of people all throughout the world. In order to respond to these attacks, countries from all ends of the world met and created laws in order to prevent the admission of terrorists.The worsening crisis in terrorism paved the way to the enactment of the adoption of Anti-terrorism policies by the Justice and Home Affairs Council of the European Countries on June 13, 2002. The policy describes the different forms of terrorist attack as well as the corresponding penalties keeping in mind the most sacred and fundamental human rights. The anti-terrorism campaign also includes several courses of action for the battle again st international organized crimes. Through the cooperation of EU Countries, the member states adopted a uniform policy on visas thereby lessening illegal immigration.On December 6, 2001, the United States and the EUROPOL agreed to share strategic and technical information concerning several policies about the manner of prevention and investigation of combating serious international crimes (â€Å"Reinforcement of EU Policy against Terrorism†). The United States have several laws against terrorist even before the 9/11 attack. The US Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) provided that an alien who had been engaged in terrorist activity or those under suspicion of being a terrorist cannot enter the United States territory.Terrorist activity has been defined as any violent attack against persons, assassinations including hijacking planes and using chemical or nuclear weapons and any similar activity. Shortly after the 9/11 attack, the USA Patriot Act provided a wider definition of terrorist activity which now includes any person who have taken advantage of any position whether public or private to endorse aid or abet any terrorist activity or organization (Schoenholtz & Hojaiban).In a joint effort to capture members of the Kurdisan Workers’ party, Turkey and Iraq finalized negotiations regarding counter- terrorism agreement allowing Turkey to engage in hot pursuit of PKK terrorists at its base in northern Iraq (Anti-Terror Group, 2007). Iran is one of the countries that contributed greatly in terrorism. They have a special relationship with the Islamic Jihad due to the fact that they get paid for building nuclear weapons for them. They also played a great role in the war between Israel and Pakistan.They provide training and weapons for the war soldiers. Yonah Alexander, an expert in counter-terrorism said that in order to start negotiations with Iran, the past events and policies of the country in connection with terrorism must first be taken into con sideration. In 1980, the United States Embassy in Beirut was bombed by the Islamic Jihad resulting in the death and injuries of several people. About twenty eight years ago, the United States failed to rescue the hostages taken in the Embassy in Iran.An important point to consider way back then was that it was difficult to plan anti-terrorism measures because the times did not call for it unlike today. Just recently, Iran’s nuclear-making operations were suspended because of the inquiries made by several countries who had been alarmed by such activity. The investigation of IAEA led to the discovery of eighteen years of hidden nuclear activities. Even though Iran answered several questions, many remained unconvinced.On October 2003, after the Iraq invasion, Iran joined the International Atomic Energy Agency and signed a protocol stating that they support and promote its safeguard procedures (Cochran). In 2007, the Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki made a statement sa ying that Iran is willing to consider talks with the United States on Iraq even after the United States Ambassador in Baghdad; Ryan Crocker made a complaint about the participation of Iran in terrorist activity by extending supports by supplying weapons and training to terrorists.Several attempts towards negotiations have been made by Iran but were rejected by the United States. Indeed, it is seemingly hard to forge anti-terrorist strategy with Iran considering that it gives support to terrorist activity but no matter what the situation is, Iran is also a country that realized how much they wanted change and hw much they desire a different way of life for its people so there is a possibility that peace and negotiation talks might happen (Winer, 2007). Policy makers all throughout the world have different ideas and strategies but they all lead to one goal, which is to win the fight against terrorism.It is greatly devastating to see millions of innocent lives being lost and it is prec isely because of this reason that in this type of battle, nobody ever wins. The value of human life is nothing compared to a political belief or an ideology. The most effective way of fighting terrorism is to stop them before they get a chance to execute their plan. However, no matter how good the intentions are in enacting these laws, the extreme policies of several countries should also undergo some changes. The definition of terrorist and suspected terrorist should be reevaluated so as not to prejudice innocent people who are also seeking refuge.Indeed, the counter- terrorism negotiations with Iran has been on a rough road but through patience and constant communication, many people strongly believe that it will soon be achieved. An important thing to consider in opening renegotiations is that Iran should declare every detail and surrender all its accounts concerning their development of nuclear programs. They should also make a stand that they would severe all their efforts in s upporting terrorism. It is important to keep in mind that the main reason why everybody is uniting against terrorism is to protect the people and not to push them directly in harm’s way.Works Cited Anti-Terror Group. 2007. †Turkey, Iraq to sigh counter-terrorism deal, hot pursuit on agenda†. PKKterror. com. 22 April 2009 http://www. pkkterror. com/content/view/711/27/> Gjelten, T. 2009. â€Å"September 11 Attacks. † Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia. 22 April 2009. â€Å"Reinforcement of EU Policy against Terrorism†. 2005. Hellenic Republic, Embassy of Greece. 22 April 2009 Schoenholtz, Andrew and Jeniffer Hojaiban. 2008. â€Å" International Migration and Anti-Terrorism Laws and Policies; Balancing Security and Refugee Protection†. Institute for the Study of International Migration Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. 22 April 2009.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Information Essay Middle School Websites

The Canon McMillan School District Middle School has a very informative website for parents and students. The News & Information section contains topics such as: McTeacher Night, School-Home Communication, Smoking Prevention, On Demand Homework Help, and Library/Media Center Website. Contact information for the administration and teachers can be found with pictures of key staff. There are links to the student handbook, cafe, principal corner and calendar. The Teachers Webpages will connect you to your student’s academic team.The News & Information section is cumulative; you can find current activities as well as information that were posted in the fall. Each topic provides a brief description with some having a link to more information. The link to the Library/Media Center has book reviews, book club updates, and special reports on library activities. Those that do not have a link provide bullet points or a brief factoid. The links on the left side of the website cover topics from the student handbook to the music department.The calendar has dates underscored that have specific school activities associated with them. The student resource section includes opportunities for students to get more involved in extra activities. The link for staff will provide you with contact information and the subject they teach. The Teachers Webpages sections will take you to your student’s assigned academic team. There are pictures of the facility so you can put a face to the name. When you click on the picture you are taken to information specific to that team.On the right side of the page are links to the textbooks used in each subject. The Canon McMillan Middle School website offers parents and students the opportunity to stay connected with the academic process. In addition to the Middle School specific information there are links to district information such as the school board and employment. The Parents Links connects you to PowerSchool, My Lunch Money and ot her tools for parents to access financial resources. With the school district going green the website provides the information for a well-rounded middle school experience.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Many Facets of Happiness

The Many Facets of Happiness "Happiness" is a word with many diverse meanings. The Webster's Deluxe Unabridged Dictionary and Bartlett's Roget's Thesaurus gave definitions and synonyms and various resources discussed "happiness" in very different ways. The Home Book of Shakespeare Quotations described how "happiness" would look if it were personified. An article in the "Washington Post" and The Columbia Granger's World of Poetry inferred that "happiness" is a temporary frame of mind, yet The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase, Saying, and Quotation inferred that "happiness" could possibly last a lifetime. After researching the word "happiness," I have concluded that "happiness" is a frame of mind to which there are many facets.To begin my research, I looked in an unabridged dictionary and looked up the word "happiness." The definition according to the Webster's Deluxe Unabridged Dictionary is "the enjoyment of pleasure without pain; felicity; blessedness satisfaction (825). The Icelandic people used words such has, "ha pp, good luck, chance, and hap" (825).English: George Bernard Shaw, Nobel laureate in Li...These forms of the word later evolved into the word "happiness." The Unabridged Dictionary provided me with a consistent usage and etymology of the word "happiness."I continued my research by looking up the word "happiness" in Bartlett's Roget's Thesaurus. Roget's supplied me with an abundance of synonyms. The words included "pleasure, joy, satisfaction, rejoicing, welfare, and prosperity" (1012). All of these words are positive words and all fit together. One thing I noticed about these words is that all the synonyms are a state of mind or a state of being. Everyone's idea of "happiness" may be different. What one person thinks "satisfaction" is may be different to someone else's idea of "satisfaction." It is the same with "pleasure, joy, prosperity, etc." These synonyms showed me that everyone's idea of "happiness" might be different.The Home Book of Shakespeare Quotations was my third...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Grocery-Store Purchase Situation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Grocery-Store Purchase Situation - Essay Example First, she recognizes either a problem or an opportunity. Perhaps she is checking the stocks of grocery items that she plans to buy and finds out that she is running out of food for her pet. There she recognizes the problem, where the decision-making for the purchase of pet food starts. Â  Depending on her level of involvement in choosing the brand of pet food, as well as the perceived risk of the decision outcome will determine how she would deal with the problem. If she is not actively involved in searching for information to solve her problem, this is what is more likely to happen: perhaps she would first look into the evoked set, those brands which she knows well and is choices for her to meet this problem. In any way, her decision would only be based on a small set of brands that she knows, aside from her loyalty brand for she is not actively involved in searching for information to solve her problem. Â  Perhaps, it has been the custom for her to buy a certain brand of pet food, and she sees that her pet is very satisfied with it—so she just buys another pack of that brand. Since the brand meets her expectation, she continues to buy it and writes it down on her shopping list. She has just taken the ‘habitual path’ of brand decision-making in this case, as the purchase decision is out of habit. Â  There are other instances where this kind of decision-making varies.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Critical Analysis of Puerto Picans as an Ethnic Group Research Paper

Critical Analysis of Puerto Picans as an Ethnic Group - Research Paper Example In 1511 after decades of abuse the Tainos rebelled against the Spaniards that colonized them. The revolt was a massacre as the European soldiers had superior weapons and better combat training. Thousands of Tainos died in this revolt. In the aftermath of the revolt the European settlers had a shortage of free labor. They decided to keep their oppressive ways by importing slaves from Africa. After centuries of Spain having total control over the affairs of Puerto Rico in 1818 the Spanish King gave transfer of land ownership to the settlers in the island. In 1868 the Puerto Rican people revolt against the Spanish government in a claim for independence. The historical event was called â€Å"El Grito de Lares†. Over 400 Puerto Ricans fought in this conflict led by Ramon Emeterio Betances and Segundo Ruiz Belvis. The attempt to take over the government was unsuccessful. One of the biggest abuses in the history of Puerto Rico was the existence of slavery. On September 22, 1873 the S panish courts abolished slavery in Puerto Rico. At the time there were nearly 30,000 slaves in Puerto Rico which composed 5% of the population (Int. #3, 2011). Puerto Rico was a colony of Spain for four centuries. In 1898 the American-Spaniard war occurred between the United States and Spain. The United States won the war and one of the prices of victory was gaining full control over Puerto Rico. The United States awarded U.S. ... Since both languages are used in Puerto Rico the locals sometimes referred to their mixed language as Spanglish. Puerto Rico is a very family oriented culture. Unmarried children often live with their parents until their 30’s. Most adults marry in their mid 20’s. The male is supposed to be the provider and head of the family, but in the 21st century it is customary for both partners in a relationship to work. When they get married women continue to use their surname. The normal greeting used in Puerto Rico by males is to shake hands, while females kiss themselves in the cheek. Puerto Ricans are very friendly people. When tourists come to the island people feel it is their obligation to serve and help the tourists in any way they can. Hand gestures and facial expression are often used during conversations. Puerto Ricans have a high tone of voice and proximity when talking to others is customary. In Puerto Rico visiting friends and particularly family members is considere d a social obligation. Most weekends sons and daughters visit their parents. When a person visits your home the host must offer their guests drinks and food. The use of alcoholic beverages is customary in most family and friend gatherings as well as special events. The most consumed beer in Puerto Rico is a locally produced brand called Medalla. During Christmas season children receive gifts on two occasions. On Christmas day when Santa Claus brings them gifts and on the 6th of January which is the date the Three Wiseman brought gifts to baby Jesus when he was a newborn. There are many holidays that are celebrated in Puerto Rico. During a holiday the government does not work and many businesses depending on the holiday also close down. A list of the holidays celebrated in Puerto